Curriculum in Action
The eighth grade Foreign Language Capstone project is a year-long culmination of our students' study of either French or Spanish at The Cathedral School. The project includes a first trimester investigative paper on a topic of the students' choice, which may include anything from cuisine to sport or sustainability. They pitch their topics through a Capstone video they create, editing with iMovie and writing a narrative in the target language. The second trimester is an interactive experience with either an interview with an expert professional in their chosen field, or a cultural event, which could range from taking a Salsa dancing class to attending a French film festival. The Capstone finale is an exhibition which showcases the students' research and includes an oral presentation given to their peers in the target language. The goal of this Capstone Project is to integrate the fulsome language experience, including vocabulary, grammar, communication, cultural exposure, public speaking, experiential learning, listening, and reading. It inspires a life-long passion for language and cultural exploration.