6th Grade

At The Cathedral School, 6th grade is about growth and development as students and leaders. In the classroom, students explore the origins of ancient civilizations and cultures, investigate basic concepts of math and science through a variety of lenses, and take on the study of Latin as their sixth core academic subject. As members of the Cathedral community, 6th grade students further amplify their voices with their participation in the Social Justice and Equity curriculum and through their performance in the 6th grade’s Civilization Play.

List of 6 items.

  • Mathematics

    In 6th grade mathematics, students solve one and two-step algebraic equations and inequalities with inverse operations. They investigate probability and permutation, ratio, proportion, and scale. In geometry, students study coordinate plane, angles, area and perimeter of irregular shapes, and graphing. Students complete two major projects: the Monuments Project during our geometry unit in conjunction with social studies and art classes, and the Stock Market Project during our percentages/financial literacy unit. In class, students use problem-solving, independent and group projects, hands-on work, and class homework review to deepen their understanding of the subject.
  • English

    In 6th grade students read novels which focus on the theme of overcoming adversity.  Students annotate and interpret texts to deepen their understanding and continue to develop their analytical writing skills by outlining and writing thesis driven multi-paragraph essays. They also learn to research, organize ideas, and reference primary texts when writing a research paper on a modern day change-maker.
  • Science

    In 6th grade science, students continue to hone design-thinking skills through problem solving and STEAM-oriented activities. Each trimester is devoted to a specific discipline. The fall trimester focuses on earth’s changing surface and using earth’s natural resources. The second trimester is devoted to physical science and introduces students to energy transformations and conservation and the periodic table. The final trimester shifts to biology where students dive into cells and human body systems.
  • Latin

    Latin at Cathedral is taught using a blend of comprehensible input and grammar instruction. The goal is for students to slowly build their vocabulary and reading fluency in a manner that simulates how they learned their first language.  Taking an engaging, comprehensible story as our starting point for each lesson, students are able to understand how the language functions on a more intuitive level. 
    In 6th grade, a major theme of this introductory year is ancient mythology. Students are introduced to Latin via a number of texts, comics, and videos that allow them to build their confidence in a new language. By the end of this first year, they are able to comfortably read their first Latin “novella.” Throughout the year, we break down grammatical concepts into manageable chunks so that they can begin to analyze phrases in more detail. Using readings in Latin and English, students discuss the symbolism and lessons from key stories from the ancient world. They also work on creative projects such as taking on the character of an ancient figure and writing from their perspective.
  • Social Studies

    In 6th grade, students continue to gather and interpret evidence and ask questions about historical events. They explore early humans, early river civilizations, civilizations centered on the sea and trade, and migration of humans and human ideas. It is here that sixth graders begin to develop greater chronological reasoning. As students learn to investigate complex ancient societies, students begin to see where the aspirations and failures of early civilizations compound through the middle ages and leave a complex legacy today. Additionally, the social justice curriculum embedded here explores global citizenship, the destructive power of stereotypes, and a study of the history of oppression as an anchor to create the mechanisms to dismantle oppression.
  • World Languages

    The 6th grade continues French or Spanish language acquisition through listening activities, pronunciation practice, and progressively challenging reading and writing activities. Students practice basic grammar: articles, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, regular and irregular verb conjugations in the present tense, and gain an introduction to the past tense. Students build vocabulary and strengthen conversational skills by exploring French- or Spanish-speaking cultures.

Curriculum in Action

As part of their Cell Biology unit, students work in groups to research the structure and function of six cellular structures: the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, and membrane. They receive guiding questions, and then develop their own inquiries into the discovery of their organelle, its evolutionary history, and its adaptations. Students also prepare mini-models of the organelles they've researched to display in class during this unit. Then, the students go out on the campus and use large chalk drawings of organelles to review structures and develop an understanding of the structural similarities and functional relationship between these organelles. The unit caps off with two microscopy labs studying the diversity of cell morphologies and sugar breakdown in plant cell mitochondria.
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