Kindergarten is a year of discovery and belonging. In this first year, children build the foundation for learning and develop relationships that will guide them through their elementary years. During interactions within their self-contained Kindergarten Center and intentional pairings with older student leaders and buddies, our kindergarten students see their place in the broader school community and the possibilities ahead.

List of 6 items.

  • Reading

    Kindergartners are introduced to reading through Fundations® to develop phonological awareness, sound mastery, fluency, and sight-word instruction. This work is reinforced through the students’ participation in small guided reading groups, which give the children opportunity to practice reading strategies. There are also many whole-class shared reading and writing projects, out-loud readings, and literacy centers that help present the concepts of print to new readers. The time spent in kindergarten on these essential tools develops comprehension skills and a love of books and reading.
  • Writing

    Beginning writing projects help kindergarten students build a sense of self, and class-wide modeling of proper mechanics help develop hand-eye coordination and comprehension skills. The Fundations® program is used to introduce and master lower and uppercase letter formation. Kindergartners also practice consonant-vowel-consonant patterns through skill work.
  • Mathematics

    Hands-on math materials and math games are staples in the kindergarten curriculum for concept formation and review. Kindergartners investigate patterns in the number system and learn to recognize numbers 1-20, as well as one-to-one correspondence. Students explore adding and subtracting; sorting; categorizing and comparing; creating and recognizing patterns; measuring with non-standard units; comparing measurement and quantity; and reading and creating charts and graphs. Math skills and concepts are also incorporated into literacy projects during the daily kindergarten morning meeting.
  • Social Studies

    An integral part of kindergarten, the social studies curriculum helps build classroom community through student interviews, classroom jobs, and learn how to create a positive environment. The social studies program also introduces students to conflict resolution strategies, which enable them to become independent problem solvers. During the year, students celebrate the uniqueness of their peers and families through identity times and affinity groups. They explore and learn to respect all aspects of personal identity, including physical traits, ability, culture, and family structure.
  • Science

    In the Lower School Science Lab, kindergarten students explore units on the five senses, observing and describing physical properties of objects using all appropriate senses, and on living versus non-living things, during which they identify the needs of living things. Working in the lab encourages the children to ask questions, make observations, and conduct experiments.
  • World Languages

    Kindergartners are also introduced to Spanish-language instruction and learn vocabulary for greetings, expressions of courtesy, numbers, family members, colors, personal interests, calendar, and time. Language acquisition in kindergarten is full of songs, games, and hands-on multidisciplinary activities to reinforce speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. They also learn about and celebrate traditions of Spanish-speaking countries around the world.

Curriculum in Action

The kindergarten’s year-long Farm Project begins and ends with visits to farms, but in between tackles questions about nature, food science, art, culture, reading, writing, ethics, conservation, and even social justice. From the beginning of their exploration of the subject while picking apples in September, kindergartners learn how farms (and the products produced on those farms) affect their daily lives and the lives of everyone in their class, school, and city. The unit includes several field trips, including a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where children start in the Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Chinese exhibits and end in the modern wing searching for art that incorporates farming and animals.
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