Articulate, Confident, Responsible Citizens of the World
Make a Gift
The Cathedral School's fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 of the following calendar year. For more information about gifts of stock, wire transfers, matching gifts, and other giving options, please click here. To explore planned giving or endowment support, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement, at (212) 316-7568 or
*Note: because Innovate. Collaborate. Excel: The Cathedral School Campaign concluded in Fall 2019, please only select “Capital Campaign Pledge Payment” if you have an outstanding pledge. If you do not have an outstanding pledge, your gift will be allocated to Annual Fund: Area of Greatest Need (Unrestricted). If you have any questions or wish to discuss capital support, please contact Daniel Hrdlicka. Thank you for your consideration and care.
1047 Amsterdam Avenue | New York, NY 10025 | P: 212-316-7500 | F: 212-316-7558